Strings of Attraction

2022 was a pretty good year for me. I stepped out of many comfort zone and took on jobs that I would normally turn down, but… as we all do around the new year mark, we reflect on the past year and what were the highlights and lows of the year (both creatively and personally).
For me, I discovered profound joy in not my own artistic work but that of my significant other. For as long as I have known Susie we have had her art college tapestry adorn our (different) walls. She’s always been an artist at heart but she’s accepted life’s challenges and took up the responsibility of being the main provider for our family (which really has a knack of putting the breaks on creativity).
2023 presented more favorable working hours thus allowing Susie to sink her teeth back into a passion she has not engaged with for a number of years.

I enjoyed witnessing this change and was glad to being able to assist in any way I could, be it with camera in hand or an uneducated idiotic opinion :D

The following is a homage to last year, which saw her efforts culminate in an exhibition at WOTSO Workspace, Pyrmont. A huge thanks to Nationwide Curating for recognising Susie’s talent and organising the exhibition.


The large tapestry far left is titled ‘Wings of Desire’ and was in fact the center piece for Susie’s degree show. A whopping 4x6 ft and taking 9 months to produce you can understand the labour of love these works command.

In a world where the term ‘fine art’ is whimsically thrown around, I can actually think of no other craft where the term genuinely rings true here. I can take any of my photos and mass produce, these tapestries however will always be unique one off works.

2023 shall be more of the same, head down, creativity on (for both of us).

As always should you have any questions or comments about this post please leave below.

All the best for 2023.


Cars, Chicks (and my clicks)


Joint Gingerbread House