Fuji’s Nostalgic Neg for Pentax

About a month or so ago I came across Cobalt Image and accordingly purchased the Fujifilm Pack to use on my Pentax 645D. I felt this would encourage me to using this camera again on some professional assignments, whereby I can better match the colour profiles of the main system (Fujifilm XT4) with the files from the 645D. I’ve yet to put my money where my mouth is, for now I am testing this theory in casual shooting/personal work.

Yesterday I had a stroll around the city with the 645D and interpreted the results using the newer filmsim ‘Nostalgic Negative’ which appears (for now) only on the very newest Fujifilm camera bodies (such as the XT5, XH2/S and some GFX models). What is noteworthy is that I can also use this recipe for the XT4 which normally doesn’t include this filmsim, thank you Cobalt!

I shall be doing a thorough review of Cobalt Image in the near future, but for now here’s some Fujifilm colour goodness appearing on the CCD sensor Pentax 645D files.

Oh, and Classic Negative is also a lot of fun, here’s a couple of samples of this profile once again on the 645D.

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome below.


Bombo in Black (& Color)


Penrith South Netball Club, Celebrating 50 years.